What CEOs Should Know About Protecting Cyber Infrastructure



A decade ago, executives at energy, utility and manufacturing businesses did not worry about potential cyberattacks the same way they might have cared about major safety or environmental risks. Operators believed that air gaps between networks and proprietary technology were adequate defenses against malware, and that attacks on cyber-physical processes were simply very unlikely.

In recent years – especially the past year alone – that has all changed. Today, CEOs are quickly realizing that the critical infrastructure that supports the global economy is now directly in the line of fire from hackers, malicious insiders, and nation-state threat actors alike.

To protect critical infrastructure and manage cyber risk associated with industrial operations, executives need to execute well across three dimensions: improve visibility, incorporate modern cyber defenses, and ensure preparedness in case an incident does occur.

Elevated State of Awareness

The C-suite is responsible for overall corporate risk, and the awareness of the need for IT security has never been higher, unfortunately, due to various breaches that have made headlines. Industrial cybersecurity has now…

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