What do you do if a hacker takes over your ship?


You’re on the bridge, with the ship’s course shown on the digital display. But why is the ship continuing to turn west?

Everything looks normal on the computer screens in the dark wheelhouse — but outside, the land is dangerously close. What’s going on?

Down in the engine room, workers report via radio that everything is normal, but they wonder why the bridge has changed course. The engines are revving and the ship is picking up speed.

The engine room hasn’t done this. What now?

Cybersecurity is a hot topic for the entire maritime industry, as well as in academia. A joint team recently conducted a completely new cyber security course at NTNU in Ålesund, Western Norway.

From left: Arnt Myrheim Holm and Marie Haugli-Sandvik are working on the last few preparations before the training starts in the ship simulators.

Probably the first of its kind

Over two months, course participants have looked at digital threats….

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