What Does the EU AI Act Mean for Cybersecurity?


Discover the implications of the EU AI Act for cybersecurity, as it aims to enhance transparency, accountability, and risk management while balancing innovation and regulation. Learn how businesses can prepare for compliance and optimize cyber resilience in this comprehensive overview by Si West, Director of Customer Engagement at Resilience.

The EU AI Act comes into force on August 1st, 2024, and aims to build trust in artificial intelligence systems by ensuring they are safe and transparent without stifling innovation, ensuring the EU remains competitive in this field.

The Act is the first comprehensive AI regulation by any major regulator and has the potential to become a global standard. This would lead to major implications in terms of how AI affects individuals. This will inevitably transform how companies approach cybersecurity and require them to better manage resources while balancing the role of AI with that of humans.

AI and security are intertwined

Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies can potentially revolutionise cybersecurity for good and bad. AI allows hackers to engage in illicit activities, including streamlining and automating traditional…

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