What kind of cybersecurity professionals do enterprises need?

The skills gap in tech, specifically in critical fields such as cybersecurity, is giving business leaders everywhere massive headaches, but one expert believes that the talents are available. Source: Shutterstock

The skills gap in tech, specifically in critical fields such as cybersecurity, is giving business leaders everywhere massive headaches, but one expert believes that the talents are available. Source: Shutterstock

ONE OF THE most significant challenges that organizations face in their digital journey is finding the right talent and expertise to support their transformation agenda.

The skills gap in tech, specifically in critical fields such as cybersecurity, creates serious challenges for business leaders and puts their digital transformation goals in serious jeopardy.

However, some experts seem to think that the talents are there and available — companies just need to know where and what to look for.

“If you’re a cybersecurity professional with any kind of skill set, you already have a job and multiple offers on the table,” said Gartner Research Analyst Sam Olyaei.

While acknowledging that the recent digital transformation drive has increased the demands for cybersecurity professions, Olyaei added that the key issue with cybersecurity professionals has little to do with skills, and more to do with…

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