What Lies Beneath a Cyber Breach: Part 2

cybersecurity data

Part 1 of this two-part series addresses cybersecurity risks for manufacturers, assessments and threat responses.

Cybersecurity coverage. Are you sure you’re insured?

Many manufacturers carry general business insurance, but one size does not fit all, and, cybersecurity adds a new dimension that requires its own kind of coverage.

AHT Insurance specializes in providing insurance coverage for many industries, manufacturing included. Recently the company added cyber liability insurance to its offerings. Together with attorneys and cybersecurity firms, AHT can create customized insurance packages for manufacturers. And, again, it all starts with a risk management—understanding the exposures and working with insurance carriers to create an effective program that may include business best practices, enhanced product safety and a safe working environment.

“From an insurance standpoint, when you pay premiums, part of the premium should always include some level of risk reduction,” says George Forrester, a principal at AHT Insurance.

In an effort to understand risk reduction, Forrester and his team studied the ANSI/PMMI B155.1-2016 safety standard for packaging and processing…

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