What SMBs are getting wrong about cyber security


There’s an old joke about a documentary team filming wildlife in the African savannah. They’re tracking some wildebeest moving through the long grass when suddenly, one cameraman spots a lion in the distance charging towards them, and breaks into a sprint. His colleague calmly bends down and tightens the laces on his running shoes, as the cameraman shouts over his shoulder, ‘what are you doing? You’ll never outrun a lion in those!’

His colleague replies, ‘I don’t have to outrun the lion; I just have to outrun you.’

Cybersecurity is a lot like that. Many small businesses labour under the misapprehension that they’re too small for hackers to bother pursuing, and because they’re not commanding vast turnovers or troves of secret information, security isn’t something that they need to be overly concerned with – but this is not the case.

It’s not just large organizations being targeted

Cybercriminals aren’t always looking for the biggest payout possible. In fact, in many cases, they’re looking for the easiest, and while infiltrating one large enterprise to steal a million dollars all at once might take a year or more, hacking 200 undefended small businesses to steal $5,000 from each…

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