What Was the Biggest Change in Your Sector This Decade? We Ask 20 Experts – Brink – The Edge of Risk


The close of 2019 marks the end of the decade. We asked a number of our regular contributors from a variety of backgrounds what they considered to have been the most significant change in their field over the past 10 years.

Environmental issues are now at the forefront of every market sector, with a strong relevance on insurance. This is going to be a continuously growing issue until the global community decides to act as a whole. — Matthew Flug, Senior Underwriter, Ambridge Partners

The year 2010 was the peak of the “Africa Rising” story; that dream has faded as government policies failed to attract investment and support the expected rapid economic growth. Now it is up to Africa’s younger generation to force change and boost economic transformation. — Melissa Cook, Founder and Managing Director, African Sunrise Partners,…

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