What’s Ahead for Verisk Analytics Inc (NASDAQ:VRSK) After More Shorted Shares?


Investors sentiment increased to 1.31 in Q3 2018. Its up 0.14, from 1.17 in 2018Q2. It is positive, as 19 investors sold Verisk Analytics, Inc. shares while 158 reduced holdings. 68 funds opened positions while 164 raised stakes. 147.13 million shares or 0.61% more from 146.24 million shares in 2018Q2 were reported.
Mitsubishi Ufj Tru Banking Corp holds 676,739 shares. Clear Harbor Asset Management Limited Liability Com owns 2,098 shares. Swiss Bancorp invested in 581,443 shares or 0.08% of the stock. Garrison Fincl Corporation has 1.4% invested in Verisk Analytics, Inc. (NASDAQ:VRSK) for 23,380 shares. Arizona State Retirement System owns 101,522 shares. Stone Ridge Asset Mngmt reported 0.01% in Verisk Analytics, Inc. (NASDAQ:VRSK). Moreover, Gulf Comml Bank (Uk) has 0.08% invested in Verisk Analytics, Inc. (NASDAQ:VRSK). Ensemble Capital Management Lc invested in 2.99% or 150,751 shares. First Hawaiian State Bank holds 0.08% or 13,093 shares. Rampart Inv Mgmt Limited Liability holds 0.08% in Verisk Analytics, Inc. (NASDAQ:VRSK) or 3,072 shares. Adage Prns Grp Ltd Liability Corporation reported 0.05% of its portfolio in Verisk Analytics, Inc. (NASDAQ:VRSK). Daiwa Group…

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