What’s Driving the M&A Uptick in Health Care and How Health Systems Should Approach Their Next Deal : Risk & Insurance


M&A is surging in health care. Hospitals and other facilities must review their internal controls before enacting on a deal.

Ask any doctor, nurse or provider, and you’ll likely hear the same message: The number one reason they joined the medical profession was to help people.

Nothing has tested the laurels of these workers more than the pandemic we’ve faced the last few years, and nothing else has tested the limits of the health care sector.

Hospitals and other health care facilities have had to adjust to accommodate the influx of patients while also looking for ways to provide care to their non-COVID patients. Telehealth and other telemedicine services soared. More patients are turning to in-home care versus nursing facilities. Nurses, nurse practitioners and other non-physicians have had the opportunity to step up as the need for trained medical professionals grew.

And merger and acquisition deals are reaching new heights.

“M&A has been a constant over the last several years,” said Monica DiCesare, chief underwriting officer, liability products, IronHealth, Liberty…

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