What’s your cyber-risk assessment score? | News


It is no longer OK to not understand how the Internet works. The lame Internet practices Uncle Harry was able to get away with 20 years ago (weak, eight-character passwords, clicking on anything that pops up, etc.) simply won’t cut it anymore.

In the business world, fixing Uncle Harry begins with an employee risk assessment, the process of gathering and understanding information about an employee to determine if they are worth keeping on.

Is Harry’s behavior good for the company, or bad for the company? Is his behavior risky and dangerous, or responsible and safe? Does his behavior make him an asset or liability?

Can his behavior be fixed, and at what cost? Many questions need to be asked, with the answers leading to the ultimate question: should Harry be kept on, or should he be fired?

Most business-oriented cyber-risk questions will have corresponding questions that apply to a home situation, especially in today’s pandemic-aware world.

Homes have turned into business, education and entertainment hubs, with employees, students, customers and companies all…

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