Prior to the Nov. 6 meeting of the Wheatfield Twp. supervisiors, an executive session was held to discuss possible litigation. What may be potentially litigated was not explained by the supervisors before they moved on to the regular meeting agenda.
Before opening the floor for public comment, supervisor Jeff Smith followed up on a discussion from the October meeting where Park and Recreation secretary Phyllis Krieger said that the board did not bounce a check. Smith went to the bank and received records which showed that the Park and Recreation board’s account was overdrawn on Oct. 22, 2022, by $4,332. He added that the board technically did not bounce a check, since the funds were automatically withdrawn from the board’s savings account. Smith also said that the minutes do not reflect where or why that money was transferred.
Scott Shedd, chairman of the township auditors, read a letter he had prepared in response to last month’s order of an internal audit to determine what occurred with a paving project at Wagner Park.
“Gentlemen, please be advised that the Wheatfield Township Auditors will be unable to conduct the special audit as approved by the supervisors at the regular October…