White House Reorganization Addresses Cyber Workforce Gap


The White House reorganization plan would force agencies to assess the strength of their cyber workforce and quickly fill the gaps they find.

The Trump administration on Thursday tasked the Homeland Security Department and Office of Management and Budget with creating a governmentwide approach for recruiting and retaining skilled cybersecurity personnel. The order, which came as part of the White House reorganization plan, aims to address the growing shortage of top cyber talent at federal agencies.

“The workforce shortage compounds the government’s challenges in responding to a constantly evolving threat environment and achieving its many IT-dependent missions,” the report said. “The government lacks a comprehensive, risk-derived understanding of which cybersecurity skillsets the federal enterprise needs to develop and which positions are most critical to fill.”

As it stands, each agency is responsible for addressing its own cybersecurity challenges, which the administration said creates “internal competition for talent… that degrade[s] agencies’ ability to defend networks from malicious actors and respond to cyber incidents.” The plan would standardize how…

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