White House tilts from ‘cloud first’ to ‘cloud smart’ — FCW



White House tilts from ‘cloud first’ to ‘cloud smart’

cloud analysis (istorsvetlana/Shutterstock.com) 

The White House is refreshing its cloud strategy, shifting its policy focus from “cloud first” to an agency-specific approach and laying out a series of actions to complete over the next 18 months.

Federal CIO Suzette Kent said that the new strategy is a successor to the almost eight-year-old “cloud first” guidance dating back to the Obama administration.

Cloud first, Kent told reporters at a Sept. 24 briefing, “was released at a time when cloud computing was still new.” The new strategy, out for comment in draft form, “updates the original approach and closes some gaps in policies that allow for faster adoption as well as streamlining some of the activities” based on agency needs rather than “a one-size-fits-all.”

Bill Hunt, a digital services expert at the Office of Management and Budget, hinted at the policy refresh earlier this year.

Agencies will be directed to take various actions to implement…

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