WhiteHawk delivers impressive quarterly result


WhiteHawk Ltd (ASX:WHK), the first global online cyber security exchange enabling small and mid-size enterprises (revenue of $1 million to $1 billion) to take smart action to identify and address Cyber Risk, has provided an update on its progress for the June quarter 2019 in conjunction with the release of its quarterly result.

It has been a busy quarter for the group having made substantial progress in terms of technological developments while it reaped the rewards of having best in class cyber security products through multiple contract awards.

These included contracts with high security government instrumentalities in the US, including a top 12 US defence industrial base (DIB) group, as well as sub-contracts with a US$2 billion federal government department.

WhiteHawk also continues to execute contracts with a top 10 financial institution.

For reasons of confidentiality, specific company names cannot be released, but suffice to say these are large tier 1 organisations, and there decision to adopt WhiteHawk’s cyber security technology is a strong endorsement of the group’s products that bodes well in terms of sustaining robust revenue growth.

There are also several…

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