Whitehawk integrates Bitsight, Interos tech in new cyber risk framework


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WhiteHawk Limited (ASX:WHK), the first global online cyber security exchange enabling SMEs to take smart action against cyber-crime and fraud, today announced that it has integrated technology from BitSight and Interos to offer a 360 Cyber Risk Framework to address Digital Age business risks.

The industry leading BitSight is used globally and has set the standard in security ratings, while Interos is a proven leader in enterprise and supply chain risk management.

The new framework offers businesses a tailored approach to address supply chain, sub-contractor and vendor risks. WHK has developed the framework to enable businesses to address digital age business risks in real-time, and is targeting major manufacturers (which there are roughly 150), as well as the 50 major US financial institutions (all of whom have an average of 100 to 500 supply chain vendors and sub-contractors).

Beyond that, the product is targeted at Fortune 1000 companies with particular exposure to supply chain and third-party risk.

Of course, it…

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