Why a dash cam is one of your best risk management tools


INSTALLING a dashboard camera (dash cam) in your vehicle can help you minimise the risk of financial loss in the event of an accident.

This is according to Johannes du Plessis, Legal Advisor at RBS (Risk Benefit Solutions Pty Ltd), a financial services provider.

Du Plessis says not only could dash cam footage help vehicle owners avoid being held liable following an accident, but it can assist individuals to recover damages if uninsured or excess payments after their insurance claim.

‘A great deal of motor vehicle accidents result in disputes over what actually happened and which party is liable for whose damages.

‘We have seen time and again that witness testimonies are unreliable owing to differences in perspective and viewpoints, changing testimony after persuasion, using incorrect synonyms in their testimonies, incorrect interpretation of facts, incorrect assumptions and not being independent,’ said Du Plessis.

He said even the most responsible drivers may not be able to prove that they acted responsibly following an accident.

‘These individuals may therefore have to incur the damages and expenses to their own vehicles and be held liable for tens of thousands of rand in…
