Why cyber threats are a C-suite issue


If it was inconceivable two years ago that working from home would be the norm for a large part of the workforce, today it seems equally hard to countenance a full return to the office. While Omicron may fade into the alphabet soup of Covid, hybrid working is here to stay.

For business schools educating the next generation of executives, the new flexible world requires teaching of some topics that were not obviously necessary in 2019, such as working out how to ensure remote colleagues are not at a disadvantage to those in the office.

Other lessons were relevant in the “before times” but have been amplified by the pandemic. Most notable among these is cyber security, and that it is not only a task for IT departments but must be understood as a problem for every employee, from the chief executive down.

Fraud and scams are one of the greatest threats to companies. Ransomware may make the headlines but the most common criminal tool remains social engineering, or confidence tricks designed to persuade people to hand over passwords or other sensitive information. These might be a phishing email supposedly from an IT technician, or a romance scammer requesting money for a…

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