Why Cybersecurity Protection Starts With Them


When it comes to protecting businesses from cyber threats, there is a continuous cat-and-mouse game going on between malicious attackers and those tasked with protecting businesses. One of the biggest problems with protecting businesses against cyber threats is the fact that there isn’t a level playing field. A business can have all the latest and greatest layers of protection, such as unified threat management (UTM) appliances, endpoint protection and even strict security policies, but the biggest threat to businesses remains unaddressed — employees. Malicious attackers know about this weak link and will go to great lengths to exploit employees in order to gain access to a business’s resources.

Consider the analogy of a house that has surveillance cameras, a security alarm, a guard dog, reinforced steel on the doors and armed guards. You are safe inside that house thanks to the many layers of protection. But once you leave that house and go into the world, say the grocery store, those layers of protection around the house are no longer protecting you. You are potentially vulnerable and exposed to various real-world attacks. The same can be said of employees when…

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