Why cybersecurity should be taken more seriously by small and large companies alike (Sponsored)


With an increasing amount of cyber attacks around the globe it becomes clear that cybersecurity needs to be taken seriously by CEOs of small and large companies alike.

The PwC Cybersecurity Day on October 24 provided many valuable insights from the latest international developments in cybersecurity and privacy. For everyone who was not able to attend the event, we’re sharing some of those insights now within this article. More info can also be found directly on the PwC blog.

First of all: Doubting the fact that your business will be attacked is futile. We’ve gotten to the point when the most appropriate and helpful question is when it will happen. This sentence arguably states the obvious, but redundancy is odiously necessary especially when 44% of the 9,500 executives in 122 countries surveyed by the 2018 GSISS say they do not have an overall information security strategy.

As a matter of fact, cyber ​​attacks are increasing, and the consequences can be significant or even dramatic for any organisation. The digital transformation a large majority of organisations are going through—with the adoption of artificial intelligence, robotic process…

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