Why Food Industry Cyber Awareness Should Be Your Main Ingredient


The food industry faces an uncertain future. Restaurants and prepared-food companies, food manufacturers, farmers and producers that survived the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 are heading into a new world. Some of the competition has been removed, new players are entering the market and both tastes and consumer habits have changed. Take a look at our recipe for how food manufacturers can boost their internet of things (IoT) security in the midst of all those changes. 

The food industry is more complex than most. In fact, it’s many industries: biotech, agriculture, manufacturing, logistics and retail. All these industries must work together securely for the entire process to result in food for the public.

While the larger food industry is gigantic — a multi-trillion dollar industry — food manufacturers tend to be smaller companies. Some three-quarters of the industry involve companies with fewer than 20 employees.

Insecure food companies can result in a wider-than-average range of risks, including the hijacking of resources for other cyber attacks, breaking equipment to halt production, customer or business data theft, ransomware attacks and…

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