Why is a cyber supply chain important?


Amidst the current threat landscape, agencies like the General Services Administration, Defense Department, Department of Homeland Security and the Intel community have begun working together to bring more efficient and secure methodologies to the procurement process. They do this while paying attention to the risk management of the cybersecurity supply chain.

On this edition of Cyberchat, host Sean Kelley sat down with GSA’s William Zielinski, Assistant Commissioner, Information Technology Category and Lawrence Hale, Director, IT Security, Information Technology Category to discuss the acquisition process and vehicles for the cybersecurity supply chain.

“[GSA’s IT category] builds and maintains a series of very large pre-competed governmentwide acquisition contracts,” Zielinsky said.

Generally, agencies who use GSA vehicles for procurement will get better pricing and be able to move through the acquisition process faster, because the groundwork has already been laid, freeing up government procurement professionals to focus their efforts on mission critical acquisitions.

Zielinski explained how this new procurement process affects the…

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