Why Mobile Protection Is a Critical Piece of Your Security Puzzle


It’s safe to say our mobile devices have taken over our lives in a big way, with reports saying that the average Brit spent at least four hours a day on their mobile device in 2021. What’s more, mobile devices now account for the majority (55%) of global website traffic, proving how pervasive they are in our lives.

For businesses, this represents a challenge. As the shift to remote and mobile working took off throughout the pandemic, our mobile devices became as essential to our professional lives as they are to our personal lives. Mobile devices – including any device that runs Android or iOS – are powerful mini-computers, making them increasingly popular for working remotely. Yet, while the mobile device is starting to supplant, or at least supplement, the desktop for work and web browsing, users are still likely to treat it as a personal belonging.

Whether or not a company operates a “bring your own device” (BYOD) policy, a device feels different when you keep it in your pocket at all times. For example, a user might have a different, less-guarded frame of mind when their phone is in their hand. Their browsing behavior will likely be different, and the…

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