Why no Organization Should be without a Cyber Attorney | Epiq


Cybersecurity is a top concern for organizations of all shapes and sizes. Whether it be a global organization or a small business, each will inevitably collect and store consumer data that hackers could attempt to steal. While significant events like product launches, mergers and acquisitions, and new vendor partnerships are prime opportunities for attacks, risk still exists in daily operations. Think about the data stored by human resources departments for potential, past, and current employees. Or other data pertinent to daily operations for many businesses like GPS tracking, healthcare patient information, and financial transactions. The fact of the matter is that every organization interacts with data on the daily and likely uses an electronic system to store this information. Because of this, organizations in any industry should consider retaining outside counsel specializing in cybersecurity or hire a staff attorney practicing in this area. The relationship can be scaled according to organization size and specific security needs to stay within budget while still improving security practices to protect sensitive data.

Here are some important reasons why every…

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