Why Pressure Tactics Have Become The Latest Tool Used By Cyber Criminals


Companies have developed new methods of keeping valuable data safe from cyber criminals, but over the last two years these same criminals have gotten smarter, and in turn, are now applying greater pressure on their victims to pay their ransom.

The popularization of ransomware attacks has caused them to become a major risk for all businesses, and this is especially true in the financial services sector. Payment processors and other companies involved in the payments space hold onto valuable data from customers and partners alike; this is data that black market organisations and malicious individuals find very enticing.

Fortunately, cyber defence tools and risk management protocols are constantly improving to evolve alongside cyber-attack technology, and new solutions are being introduced to keep that data safe. This has become especially true during the global COVID-19 pandemic, where the work-from-home environment has meant that networks are less secure as entry points are spread out and human error can lead to holes in the metaphorical security fence. So new solutions to fix these issues are constantly being tested and released, fighting back against the ever-present…

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