Why US financial services should embrace AI-driven risk management in 2024 RISK-ACADEMY Blog


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As the financial services industry in the United States grapples with increasing regulatory pressures, evolving customer expectations, and the growing complexity of global markets and the role US plays there, risk management has never been more critical. But not the risk management you immediately though. Forget regulatory risk reporting, long useless risk registers, lip service risk capital calculations and ratings-driven methodologies. Banks and insurance companies need risk-based decision making beyond credit and market risk. Enter artificial intelligence – a powerful tool that is transforming risk management from a compliance function into a proactive, strategic competitive advantage.

In 2023, the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank sent shockwaves through the financial sector, highlighting the need for risk management teams to change focus from compliance and regulatory reporting to risk-based decision making. The models proposed by Basel and central banks were never designed to properly account for rapidly changing economic conditions. No matter how amazing your operational risk register is, it is simply not intended for improving decision making.

Now add the uncertainty associated with the upcoming US presidential election. Historically, election cycles bring volatility to the markets, with fluctuating policies and economic outlooks depending on the election results. Financial institutions need to run various scenarios, from regulatory shifts to market instability to weakening or not of USD.

At RAW2024 speakers from all over the world will share AI techniques for multi-agent real-time risk analysis, identifying emerging risks, and making risk-based decisions faster than ever before. This is not just about staying competitive; it’s about ensuring the stability and security of the financial system during uncertain times.

Empowering risk management teams with AI

There are huge opportunities in fraud prevention, market and credit risk management, but that’s moving the needle from good to better.  I want you to focus on operational risk management, that’s where there is the greatest contribution margin of opportunity. Imagine moving from mediocre (yes, operational risk management how it is prescribed by Based and many central banks is nothing short of embarrassing) to good and freeing up resources at the same time to focus on more meaningful risk management tasks and integrating into operational and strategic decisions.

Imagine, having a multi-agent model that automatically generates detailed risk and control self assessments, risk registers in the regulator format and regular risk reports at the push of a button. Imagine how much time that would save to focus on more meaningful tasks. Well, we’ve done it. 

Why RAW2024 is a must-attend for financial services professionals

RISK AWARENESS WEEK 2024 offers an unparalleled opportunity for financial services professionals to supercharge their risk management capabilities with AI. The conference is designed to provide actionable insights and hands-on workshops, tailored to the unique challenges faced by the industry.

One of the key sessions at RAW2024 will focus on using AI to run simulations for operational risks and balance sheet stress testing, auto generate risk reports with quality comparable to many risk professionals. These simulations help firms anticipate potential financial crises by analyzing a wide range of possible outcomes, ensuring they are better prepared for whatever the future holds – especially important given the potential market disruptions associated with the upcoming election. Just imagine, automating regulatory risk reporting and other low-value add tasks.

RAW2024 is not just for AI experts. The event will feature sessions that cater to all levels of experience, from those just beginning to explore AI to seasoned professionals looking to deepen their expertise. By attending, you will learn how to start using AI immediately within your organization.

Invest in your professional future

The financial services industry is at a crossroads. As AI continues to reshape the landscape, professionals who embrace these technologies will be better positioned to navigate the complexities of the modern financial environment. RAW2024 is your springboard to becoming an AI-powered risk leader.

By registering early for RAW2024, you gain exclusive access to premium workshops and early bird discounts. Don’t miss the opportunity to join the ranks of over 20,000 risk and decision professionals who have already benefited. Make October the month you take a decisive step towards securing your career and your organization’s future.

Check out the agenda https://2024.riskawarenessweek.com/schedule/ 

RISK-ACADEMY offers online courses


Informed Risk Taking

Learn 15 practical steps on integrating risk management into decision making, business processes, organizational culture and other activities!



Advanced Risk Governance

This course gives guidance, motivation, critical information, and practical case studies to move beyond traditional risk governance, helping ensure risk management is not a stand-alone process but a change driver for business.
