Why your cybersecurity needs to be dragon-proof


If your cybersecurity strategy isn’t planned out properly, you might find yourself in dangerous territory where be dragons, warns James Costanzo.

“It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him,” writes JRR Tolkien in The Hobbit.

What, exactly, makes a calculation sufficiently dragon-proof? We’ll get there, rest assured. But first, let’s agree on this: There is a dragon, and he’s moved in next door.

For those unfamiliar with Smaug, the arrogant, cunning, wealth-hoarding dragon of The Hobbit, or the existential threat he presents to the book’s protagonist, Bilbo Baggins, here’s all you need to know. The dragons of Middle Earth are mean and greedy, greedy and mean. They love gold, and take it with impunity.

In my estimation, this is the perfect analogy for our current data protection predicament, where data is akin to gold. And instead of one fire-breathing menace intent on stealing it, there are many.

Either way, it simply does not do to be unprepared.

A mountain of gold 

From 2010 to 2020, the total amount of data created, captured, copied, and consumed globally increased by…

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