‘Windows shops’ target admin rights to de-risk their environments


Article by BeyondTrust director of solutions engineering for Asia Pacific and Japan Scott Hesford.

Microsoft Windows has a clear market advantage when it comes to IT. No other vendor has produced a successful server and desktop operating system pair that excels in compatibility, authentication, productivity, and architecture. Unfortunately, it is a victim of its own success.

According to IDC, approximately four in every five desktops run Microsoft Windows, making the operating system a prime target for hackers. With more eyes on the prize comes more opportunities to find flaws leading to potential havoc for Windows’ customers. ‘Windows shops’ know the drill all too well. The price for a rapid pipeline of new features is a sizable monthly patch cycle along with semi-regular out-of-band patches to address the most urgent or critical flaws.

But patching is not always possible, or desirable. That realisation alone is driving organisations to consider other measures to mitigate vulnerabilities as part of a Windows risk reduction strategy. Additionally, the IT world is changing. Organisations still want access to bleeding edge technology innovation – new products and…

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