With cyberattacks becoming more common security now needs to take priority


The last 12 months has seen multiple industries put an increasing amount of emphasis on digital transformation, with more businesses beginning to experiment and deploy new smart tools and workflow solutions, which has led to faster information sharing, increased productivity and the automation of repetitive, mundane tasks. But the cybersecurity attacks that took place in 2019 have made companies reconsider their strategies with security now becoming more prominent.

The last 12 months saw a number of huge high-profile hacking and cybersecurity attacks across a range of sectors, including Toyota’s data breach that exposed the details of 3.1 million customers. Incidents like this have made organisations increasingly conscious about their security models, with many now looking to improve their security systems, but how can they achieve this?

As companies continue to adopt smarter and integrated workflow solutions, the security of the entire system must be considered. Unfortunately, too often, the security of the print IT is overlooked. However, print hacks such as the PiewDiePie incident showed that organisations can never play it safe.

Therefore, better…

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