WMO supports Cambodia and Lao PDR to strengthen early warnings


The CREWS Steering Committee meeting, held in a Least Developed Country for the first time, agreed to provide a potential additional US$ 7 million in funding for Cambodia and Lao PDR, bringing the total CREWS portfolio in the two countries to US$ 12 million.

Six of the principal CREWS funding partners recently visited Cambodia and Lao PDR to gain first-hand experience of WMO pilot projects in community-based flood warnings. The delegation included climate ambassador Stephane Crouzat of France, CREWS Chair Gerard Howe, United Kingdom and delegates from Canada, Finland, Norway and Switzerland.

The CREWS delegation met heads of national meteorological and hydrological services and ministers to understand how CREWS-funded projects are contributing to Early Warnings for All initiative.

Early Warnings for All

Cambodia is one of the 30 countries chosen to accelerate the implementation of the UN Secretary-General’s Early Warnings for All initiative. 

In Cambodia, nearly 80 percent of the population live in rural areas, and 65 percent rely on agriculture for their livelihoods. One-fifth of Cambodians are food deprived, which means they eat less than the minimum daily requirement of calories. Floods and…
