Work Smarter, Not Harder with Unified Control Sets


You know the saying, “kill two birds with one stone”? It’s when you succeed in achieving two things in a single action. This is a fundamental concept for Compliance leaders who must manage multiple Compliance requirements from various federal, state, local, and private bodies. If you are a Compliance leader who feels frustrated or burnt out from chasing your tail when attempting to keep up with your organization’s risk assessments, we have a solution for you: unified control sets.

What is a unified control set?

A unified control set is a comprehensive set of controls cross-mapped across different frameworks, regulations, and standards. This means that with a unified control set, Compliance leaders no longer need to manage each requirement individually and no longer have to worry about keeping up with the mapping process for each specific compliance requirement. Why should companies have to start from scratch each time a new regulation is introduced? Why should they be forced to consider each regulation separately when they already addressed it in a previous requirement? Instead, the organization benefits from a bird’s-eye view of the risk posture, with potential…

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