Working Together to Keep Companies Safe from Cyber Crime — FBI


Remarks prepared for delivery.

Thanks, Peter. It’s great to be here with you.

One of our priorities at the FBI is building relationships at the corporate level. This is our inaugural meeting with such a large group of board members. And it’s incredibly important to me. Because we need your help to confront the threats we face.

I was in the private sector for 12 years before coming back to law enforcement. And there are a few things I miss about life in the private sector—mostly living outside of the Beltway, way outside of the Beltway—and being able to drive my own car. That’s one of the things you don’t think about before taking a job like this—the driving.

Another thing I sometimes miss is the focused nature—relatively speaking—of practicing law. At my old law firm, I ran an international practice group and served on our firm’s policy committee. And I sometimes thought I had a lot on my plate then. My scope of responsibility is just a bit more broad these days. And needless to say, my hair is a lot more gray, as my kids like to remind me on a regular basis.

But I was thinking about it, and the same is true for all of you. Not the gray hair part—the…

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