Yale Cyber Leadership Forum reports on key areas of cyber risk


Cyber security experts from Yale University have released a report detailing the critical and challenging areas of cyber risk in the modern era. The report synthesizes discussions held at the second annual Yale Cyber Leadership Forum in April. Oona Hathaway, Director of the Yale Cyber Leadership Forum and a Professor at Yale Law School, edited the report, together with Ido Kilovaty and Edward Wittenstein. The report is free and available to the public on the website of the Yale Cyber Leadership Forum.

The Forum focuses on bridging the divide among the law, technology, and business communities in cybersecurity, and exploring effective approaches to recognizing, preparing for, preventing, and responding to cyber threats.

To address cyber threats, we need to bring together specialists from different sectors to work together and learn from each other,” said Hathaway. “The Forum aims to create conversations across disciplinary, professional, and technical boundaries. The more people we can bring into the conversation, the better. I…

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