Your cyber security plan: How to pull it all together


The term ‘integrated security’ can mean different things to different people

The term ‘integrated security’ can mean different things to different people. In some ways it reinforces some of the existing approaches you should take to security, like building from the ground up, assessing the risk of the entire business, and putting the necessary layers in place.

For the founder of VM Group, Dr Vivienne Mee, it’s something that has a more central view of things.

“The broadest term of it is really having a centralised security function where everything is managed centrally,” she said. “Whether it’s cloud or on-premise environments, they’re managed by the one platform, which means that the management of it is a bit more simple.

“You don’t have to worry about different security solutions for different environments; that is all embedded into one. It can be managed through the alerts or any threats being found, that they’re all in the one area, they can be managed centrally.”

The integrated security approach is very much a case of looking…

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