Zero Trust adoption is one of Gartner’s top cybersecurity predictions – Back End News


As data becomes the new currency and organizations, as well as individuals, become more dependent online, managing cyber risk will be one of the business leaders top agenda for the rest of this year going to 2023. This is among the top predictions of market intelligence firm Gartner when it unveiled its cybersecurity predictions.

“We can’t fall into old habits and try to treat everything the same as we did in the past,” said Richard Addiscott, senior director analyst, Gartner, at the security summit in Sidney. “Most security and risk leaders now recognize that major disruption is only one crisis away. We can’t control it, but we can evolve our thinking, our philosophy, our program, and our architecture.”

In a media advisory, Gartner shared the top 8 predictions presented during the event.

Gartner: Worldwide semiconductor revenue to decline 0.9% in 2020
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Gartner recommends that cybersecurity leaders build the following strategic planning assumptions into their security strategies for the next two years.

  1. Through 2023, government regulations requiring organizations to provide consumer privacy…

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