Zero trust, cloud security pushing CISA to rethink its approach to cyber services


The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency at the Department of Homeland Security is putting the final touches on several guidance documents to help ease the transition to a zero trust cybersecurity environment.

The entire goal of this effort to move security away from the network and to the data and application layers.

John Simms, the deputy branch chief of the Cybersecurity Assurance Branch in CISA, said the documents and other efforts are helping agencies shift their cyber thinking away from the network and closer to the data.

John Simms is the deputy branch chief of the Cybersecurity Assurance Branch in CISA.

“When we look at cloud and we look at how we’re going to facilitate zero trust into the future, we’ve got to fundamentally shift our thinking away from that network centric base of cybersecurity and visibility, and look at how we can support it in a risk-based approach,” Simms said during a panel sponsored by ATARC in November. “We really need to focus zero trust and where it really is going to help us change the dynamic and federal…

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