Zooming Past Covid-19 | Seeking Alpha


Caught in the throes of one of the most severe pandemics of all times, zooming past Covid-19 seems a distant fantasy. An uncoordinated global response to a systemic health crisis in the absence of a definitive medical cure and inadequate health systems across developed and developing economies leave all mankind wondering, “how much longer, how much more and what’s next“? While everyone is seeking answers, what continues to zoom however is the virus itself across geographical boundaries devouring hundreds by the day. In response, what’s also zooming besides Zoom Video (NASDAQ:ZM) is human ingenuity in dealing with the mother of all crises and humanitarian gestures of healthcare workers, essential servicemen, grocers and many others on the frontline going beyond their call of duty to help one and all. While the former zoom is repugnant and the latter laudable, the market’s swoon and zoom is nothing but emotional amidst all round uncertainty.

Without any clearer crystal balls, many sanguine spirits spring from the Fed who have zoomed into action with powers of all super-heroes combined, cutting across every facet of business and finance like never before. Much that we would like…

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