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Home Cyber Risks Zywave Adds Cyber Risk Evaluation to Analytics Cloud

Zywave Adds Cyber Risk Evaluation to Analytics Cloud


Published: Oct. 14, 2021 at 1:22 PM CDT|Updated: 14 hours ago

MILWAUKEE, Oct. 14, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Leading insurtech provider, Zywave, today announced the addition of Cyber OverVue to its Analytics Cloud. Originally created by Advisen, one of Zywave’s acquired companies, Cyber OverVue produces a holistic view of any organization’s cyber risk profile, projects potential cyber loss scenarios and forecasts their consequences.

Zywave_logo (PRNewsfoto/ZYWAVE)
Zywave_logo (PRNewsfoto/ZYWAVE)

Ensuring a company has the proper cyber insurance coverage in place is more important than ever before. Zywave’s arsenal of proprietary loss data shows rapidly-growing economic loss values associated with cyber risk, including response costs, litigation, fines and penalties, approaching $68 billion in aggregate. Cyber OverVue leverages these 100,000+ cyber loss cases, spanning breaches, phishing, network disruption, ransomware and more. Insurance brokers can now strategically engage insureds about potential cyber exposures and the resulting financial impact an event could have on their business.

“Today’s brokers recognize that cyber liabilities and cyber risks are no longer emerging risks; these risks have emerged, and every…

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