2024 cybersecurity forecast: Regulation, consolidation and mothballing SIEMs


Layoffs, bankruptcies and macroeconomics created choppy waters for cybersecurity businesses in 2023. It was the year that the sector, which once seemed unsinkable, wavered. But unlike the Titanic, industry pros say 2024 will be a comeback year for the sector. However, those blue skies won’t come before strong headwinds that include consolidation, technology churn and innovation that will challenge the cybersecurity old guard.

What follows is a SC Media round robin of informed opinions from industry thought leaders on what to expect in 2024 when it comes industry consolidation, pending regulations, software supply chain issues and new tech supplanting old tech.

Economy and industry consolidation

Industry shift toward cost-effective cybersecurity solutions and consolidation, says Oren Koren, Veriti CPO and co-founder: 

Amid these economic pressures, cybersecurity vendors are expected to increasingly consolidate and bundle their products. This approach, aimed at offering comprehensive security solutions through bundled packages, is predicted to provide cost-effectiveness for organizations. However, this trend also raises concerns about the risks associated with vendor lock-in and…

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