Cy4gate S p A : Group participated for the first time in the ABI Lab consortium meeting for which it has applied for membership . Group will be included among Certfin’s cyber advisors and will partner with the competence centers on blockchain and artificia


Cy4gate Group participated for the first time in the ABI Lab consortium meeting for which it has applied for membership .Cy4gate Group will be included among Certfin’s cyber advisors and will partner with the competence centers on blockchain and artificia

CY4GATE group operating in the all-around cyber security and cyber intelligence market, has applied for membership in the ABI Lab Consortium, the Research and Innovation Center for Banking promoted by ABI, and attended its first meeting last week, a joint appointment of the AI Hub and CyKSA (Cyber Knowledge and Security Awareness) Observatory.

The Cy4gate group also, downstream of its membership in the ABI Lab Consortium, will be included among the cyber security advisors of CERTFin, a public-private initiative chaired by ABI and the Bank of Italy that aims to raise the cyber risk management capacity and cyber resilience of the Italian financial system through operational and strategic support for prevention, preparedness and response to cyber attacks and security incidents. The highly specialized structure counts on the…

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