Enterprise IT Predictions for 2023


Sitting between what appears to be the tail end of a pandemic and the nose end of a recession, 2023 looks to be what the sports world would call a “rebuilding year” when it comes to tech infrastructure. Business complexity is increasing, the data explosion continues to accelerate, tech layoffs have ramped up even as we still contend with a talent shortage and skills gap, and cyberattackers are outpacing cyberdefenders.

Happy new year, indeed.

In the face of these trends, what can IT decision makers expect? We reached out to some of TechBeacon‘s contributors from the past year to get their takes on what the new year will bring to the world of IT. Here’s what they had to say:

Vendors will face increased pressure to adopt stronger security practices . . .

“In 2023, from a security standpoint, there will be a redefining of what is means to be a trusted partner. Organizations will need to continue to scrutinize the security posture of their vendors, suppliers, and partners that work as part of their supply chain. Not all partners are alike in implementing security strategies, frameworks, and audit controls. Companies…

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