Waste Crisis Looms in Sofia: Mayor Initiates Audit


Sofia Braces for Potential Waste Crisis: Mayor Orders Internal Audit

Waste management in Sofia, Bulgaria’s capital, is teetering on the brink of a crisis, according to a recent inspection conducted by the new management of the Waste Treatment Distribution Company. The Metropolitan Waste Treatment Plant, responsible for processing the city’s municipal solid waste (MSW), is currently operating at half of its capacity. This inefficiency has led to a rapid and disconcerting increase in the filling of landfill cells, heralding a potential waste crisis within the next two to three years if immediate action is not taken.

Underperformance and Poor Quality Output

The waste treatment plant, designed to produce refuse-derived fuel (RDF) from MSW, is only generating half the amount it should. But the problem doesn’t stop there. The RDF being produced is of such low quality that it has virtually no market demand—there are no buyers. This issue is compounded by the fact that the previous management terminated contracts for waste recovery, leaving the new administrators scrambling to find solutions to increase RDF recovery and prevent an imminent garbage crisis.

A Looming Waste Crisis

