Adopting an Intelligence-driven Approach for Cyber Security


Different business and technology developments bring about increased levels of cyber risks. The continued adoption of web, mobile, cloud, and social media technologies have opened new open doors for attackers. Also, floods of outsourcing, offshoring, and third-party contracting have additionally weakened hierarchical authority over data systems. These trends have brought about a boundaryless environment with a lot more extensive attack surface.

Risk entertainers deploy a wide array of attack methods to remain one step stage in front of their exploited people. What’s more, groups of criminals and country states are consolidating infiltration procedures in their campaigns while utilizing malicious insiders in targeted organizations. As reported in a 2012 Deloitte survey of worldwide financial services executives, numerous financial services organizations are struggling to accomplish a level of cyber risk maturity expected to counter these evolving threats.

What security experts experiencing alert fatigue need is threat intelligence that has just been vetted and contextualized by individuals. Big data and AI tools give a plenitude of data and they…

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