An Introductory Guide to Contract Risk Assessment


A copy of this guide is available for download from ContractWorks, here.

Contracts are designed to protect your business interests, but they can also leave your organization vulnerable when not managed correctly. If you don’t know the status of your current agreements, you’re leaving your organization open to a whole host of potential penalties and liabilities, both financial and legal.

When you deploy a more effective contract risk assessment strategy, you and your company can avoid some of the hidden liabilities and expenses that can lurk within your contracts, like auto-renewals, deadlines, NDAs, and more.

With An Introductory Guide to Contract Risk Assessment, you’ll learn how to deploy an effective contract risk assessment strategy so that you and your team can tap into new opportunities, boost revenue, accelerate stalled deals, and — most importantly — analyze, measure, and score your contract terms to identify risks, maintain compliance, and improve operational oversight.

Start with a Plan

At the most basic level, the execution of any contract subjects your company to risk: that one side to the agreement will not perform as stipulated, that an important milestone will be…
