Are you really cyber attack ready?


One of the trends seen in 2021 was the continued development of cyber security into cyber resilience. Cyber protection is no longer enough, instead incident response, crisis management, and disaster recovery plans need to also be in place. In this article, CISO Ryan Weeks challenges organizations to consider whether their cyber attack plans are fit for purpose.

If you’re like the majority of today’s organizations, you’ve already digitalised most of your data and processes. While a necessity, these digital assets now present a concerted risk because they provide a larger attack surface for cyber criminals than ever seen before.

At the same time, endpoints are becoming ever more diverse and distributed and security experts are sending a clear warning that tomorrow’s attacks can include previously secure targets. There’s no doubt that the ransomware threat is now of epidemic proportions, and the rise of crypto currencies is providing cyber criminals with the ability to strike anonymously.

As has often been said over the past twelve months, it’s not a matter of ‘if’ an attack takes place but ‘when’, and…

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