Auditing Physician Contracts for Compliance With the Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute


Training Options Duration: 60 Minutes
Wednesday, October 17, 2018 | 11:00 AM PDT | 02:00 PM EDT

Overview: In this session Mr. Wolfe will provide an overview of the Stark Law and Anti-

Kickback Statute. He will also discuss best practices for auditing physician contracts on

behalf of health systems, hospitals, medical groups and physician practices. The webinar will

focus on regulatory requirements, key provisions, valuation considerations and potential

pitfalls that should be avoided.

Why should you Attend: This webinar will offer best practices for implementing and auditing

physician contracts to minimize liability and penalties.

Areas Covered in the Session:

Provide a general Stark and Anti-Kickback Overview
Examine critical regulatory requirements related to physician compensation arrangements
Review processes for documenting fair market value and commercial reasonableness
Discuss best practices for auditing physician compensation arrangements and potential pitfalls
Discuss how to resolve issues that may arise during the audit process

Who Will Benefit:
In-House Counsel
Health Care Compliance Officers
Health Care Human Resources
Health Care CFOs
Health Care Executives

Speaker Profile
Joseph Wolfe is an attorney with Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman, P.C., the largest health

