Best Practices for Managing Cyber Risks in a Cyber World


1One remarkable aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic has been how quickly and completely global businesses were able to pivot to a virtual work environment. Across the world, employees fired up their laptops and got back to work from their living rooms and kitchen tables.

While this can-do spirit helped keep the global economy treading water during 2020, it also led to unprecedented threats to cybersecurity. Each work-from-home employee represents a potential entry point for cyber threats. Given how rapidly businesses had to transition during the pandemic, they also had limited (if any) time for standard diligence or testing prior to deployment.

A number of other factors working against cybersecurity efforts during the pandemic have collided to create more opportunity and ideal circumstances for attackers. Such factors include the need to engage vendors and technology developers that may be operating outside of their normal industries or offerings, limited employee familiarity (or comfort-level) with the technology, and employee job insecurity which may lead risky IT…

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