Creating a strong culture of security within organisations


Article by Fortinet director of security solutions Corne Mare.


The importance of a strong cybersecurity posture is not a new concept. Data from the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) recently revealed that Australian businesses reported more than 2,200 cybersecurity incidents between July 2019 and June 2020. 

CISOs worldwide are inherently aware of how significant investment in cybersecurity strategies and technologies can bolster an organisation’s protection against cyberattacks. However, many overlook the importance of culture when it comes to cybersecurity.

Business operations are increasingly moving towards the digital sphere, and having relevant technological support and a healthy cybersecurity posture is critical to maintain and protect operations. However, neglecting the role that people play in maintaining cybersecurity can significantly impact the organisation’s security.

The human element can be an organisation’s weakest link and its strongest asset in terms of cybersecurity. Weaving good cybersecurity practices tightly into organisational culture can reduce potential risks and vulnerabilities that cybercriminals can use to attack the…

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