ChatGPT 3.5 vs ChatGPT 4 vs RAW chatbot – part 2 RISK-ACADEMY Blog


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As you probably have seen I have created and trained an AI chatbot called RAW (RISK-ACADEMY wisdom). It has been trained on my blogs, guides and books, so is limited to few risk management topics that I explicitly wrote about. Sometimes, very rarely, it goes rogue and starts answering from internet and immediately goes RM1. So today I wanted to try a challenge. I have asked ChatGPT 3.5, ChatGPT 4 and RAW  the same question – How do you identify risks? It is a better question because it can be answered either RM1 or RM2. Let’s see.

By the way, suggest your question in the comments. I challenge you to break RAW.

ChatGPT 3.5

Identifying risks is a crucial step in the risk management process. Here are several methods commonly used to identify risks:

  1. Brainstorming: Conducting brainstorming sessions with relevant stakeholders can help generate a comprehensive list of potential risks. Encourage participants to think creatively and consider various aspects of the project or system.
  2. Documentation and Lessons Learned: Reviewing documentation from similar projects or past experiences can provide valuable insights into the risks that were encountered. Analyzing lessons learned reports, project documentation, incident reports, and post-mortem analyses can help identify common risks and pitfalls.
  3. SWOT Analysis: Performing a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis helps identify both internal and external risks. It involves assessing the project or organization’s strengths and weaknesses while considering potential opportunities and threats that may arise.
  4. Expert Opinions and Interviews: Seek input from subject matter experts (SMEs) who have relevant experience or expertise. Conduct interviews or surveys to gather their insights on potential risks within their areas of knowledge.
  5. Risk Checklists: Utilize predefined risk checklists specific to your industry or domain. These checklists provide a structured approach to identify common risks associated with a particular type of project or system.
  6. Scenario Analysis: Analyze different scenarios and hypothetical situations to identify potential risks. Consider various “what if” scenarios and examine the risks and their impacts under each scenario.
  7. External Research: Conduct research on industry trends, regulatory changes, market conditions, and technological advancements that may introduce new risks or impact existing ones. Stay updated on relevant news, reports, and studies.
  8. Risk Registers: Review existing risk registers, risk logs, or databases from previous projects or within your organization. These records may highlight risks that were previously identified and managed.
  9. Process and System Analysis: Analyze the processes, systems, and workflows involved in the project or organization. Look for vulnerabilities, bottlenecks, single points of failure, or areas where errors are likely to occur. These can be potential sources of risks.
  10. Stakeholder Analysis: Identify the key stakeholders involved in the project or organization. Consider their interests, expectations, and potential impacts on the project. Stakeholders can introduce risks or be affected by them, so understanding their perspectives is crucial.

Remember, risk identification should involve a multidisciplinary approach and involve input from various stakeholders. It is important to document and categorize identified risks for further analysis and prioritization.

ChatGPT 4

Risk identification is the first step in the risk management process. Here are some commonly used methods for identifying risks:

  1. Brainstorming Sessions: One of the most common techniques is brainstorming with the team involved in the project or process. This allows those with different perspectives to provide their insight into what could potentially go wrong.
  2. Expert Interviews: Experts in the industry or field can provide valuable insights about potential risks that might not be immediately apparent to those directly involved in the project.
  3. Checklists: You can use checklists based on prior similar projects or industry standards. They are usually quick and easy to use.
  4. SWOT Analysis: A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis can help identify risks by examining the internal and external factors that might affect the project.
  5. Scenario Analysis: This involves visualizing different scenarios that could negatively impact the project. It helps teams plan for different contingencies.
  6. Delphi Technique: This is a structured method of gathering expert opinions and reaching consensus on potential risks. This method reduces the influence of dominant personalities in group settings and allows for more balanced input.
  7. Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS): RBS is a hierarchical depiction of risks, starting from the high-level risk categories and going down to individual risks.
  8. Historical Data: Reviewing data and lessons learned from past projects can provide insight into potential risks for current projects.
  9. Cause and Effect Diagrams: These diagrams (also known as Fishbone Diagrams or Ishikawa Diagrams) can help teams identify potential factors that might cause a problem or risk.
  10. Risk Registers: A risk register provides a structured way of identifying, assessing, and managing risks. It’s typically used in conjunction with the other methods mentioned above.

Remember that risk identification should be a continuous process, as new risks can emerge as the project evolves or the environment changes.


In the RM2 world, identifying risks involves the following steps:

  • Define objectives: Clearly establish specific, measurable objectives for the organization, decision or project to provide a context for identifying risks.
  • Identify existing assumptions: Examine the assumptions made during the planning and decision-making processes, as they may contain inherent risks.
  • Gather data: Collect relevant data from various sources, including historical information, expert opinions, industry benchmarks, and external factors that may influence the organization’s objectives.
  • Brainstorm potential risks: Involve stakeholders from different areas of the organization to identify additional uncertainties not already covered by existing assumptions.
  • Consolidate and document risks: Combine the risks identified from existing assumptions and brainstorming sessions into the decision making model, ensuring that all potential risks are documented and considered in the subsequent risk analysis process.

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