China Navigation chooses Dualog to streamline ship to shore digital systems – Digital Ship


The China Navigation Company (CNCo) has partnered with Tromsø-based maritime digital platform provider Dualog to test its maritime-optimised file and folder replication service. The service, Dualog Drive, is designed to simplify the collection and distribution of large data volumes between ship and shore.

{mprestriction ids=”1,2″} Dualog Drive provides a solution to the core challenge of how to integrate ships with the shore-based elements of an organisation. As every part of business becomes digitalised, land-based enterprises have turned to cloud solutions to enable secure, company-wide data collection and distribution. But for those whose ‘offices’ are away at sea, connected via costly satellites with limits to their bandwidth rather than superfast fiberoptic cable, that is not the straight-forward solution that it seems. Furthermore, these vessel-based offices will be operating with a mix of systems, IoT devices and users that need to access or share data with head office regularly.

Currently, most shipping companies use email-based systems for data and file sharing, but this becomes a problem with big file sizes. Typically, they rely on being in port so that…

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