Evaluating GRC Software? Four Key Questions to Ask


There are many GRC software companies in the market today. Many are startups but a few players have been around for decades. GRC software come with a wide range of different functionalities and cover a huge price range. 

It can be difficult and time-consuming to understand the differences between the various solutions and figure out which ones are best suited to your objectives. 

Our goal is to save you time in the evaluation process and help you make the right call. Below are four key questions you should think through before talking to vendors.

Why Look For GRC Software?

Many organizations start to consider GRC solutions when they realize that their current work-around to compliance has become unsustainable. 

A recent survey of infosec leaders conducted by Coalfire found that for the majority of organizations, growing compliance obligations are now consuming 40% or more of IT security budgets and threaten to become an unsustainable cost. 

Further, the resource load just to maintain status quo for larger organizations can exceed 10,000 hours for each compliance requirement they carry. 

Here at Hyperproof, we’ve talked to many organizations that are up against this…

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